2019-01-21 DEEP EST Tutorial Machine Learning and Modular Supercomputing Content 0

DEEP-EST Tutorial – Machine Learning and Modular Supercomputing

DEEP-EST Tutorial – Machine Learning and Modular Supercomputing HIPEAC Conference 2019 Conference Centre, Valencia, Spain 2019-01-21 [ Event ] Abstract The fast training of traditional machine learning models and more innovative deep learning networks from increasingly growing large quantities of scientific and engineering datasets (aka ‘Big Data‘) requires high performance computing (HPC) on modern supercomputers today. HPC technologies such as those developed within the European DEEP-EST project provide innovative approaches w.r.t. processing, memory, and modular supercomputing usage during training, testing, and validation processes. Materials [ Lecture 1: Modular Supercomputing and Machine Learning – Welcome to HiPEAC Tutorial – Slides ~1.12...

2019-01-16 Overview German HPC Resources and Facilities Helmholtz Morris Riedel 0

Overview of German HPC Resources and Facilities – Helmholtz

Overview of German HPC Resources and Facilities – Helmholtz CIFAR – Helmholtz Association Workshop – Artificial Intelligence for Neuroscience Mars Discovery District, Toronto, Canada 2019-01-16 [ Slides ~15.61 MB (pdf) ] [ Event ] Thanks to @CIFAR_News organizers for a great AI for Neuroscience event last week & crafting ideas with A. Evans to connect to CBRAIN & talking about German High Performance Computing resources in @helmholtz_en @helmholtz_de @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich – slides: https://t.co/xCDitaxS71 pic.twitter.com/5NDH1Yq0ex — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) January 20, 2019

2019-01-15 On Parallel and Scalable ML and DL Research Morris Riedel 0

On Parallel and Scalable Machine and Deep Learning Research

On Parallel and Scalable Machine and Deep Learning Research CIFAR – Helmholtz Association Workshop – Artificial Intelligence for Neuroscience Mars Discovery District, Toronto, Canada 2019-01-15 [ Slides ~9.31 MB (pdf) ] [ Event ] Talk at @CIFAR_NEWS @helmholtz_de @helmholtz_en event AI for Neuroscience about my @uni_iceland @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich @DEEPprojects machine/deep learning research group results & neuroscience options; T. Dickscheid presents @HumanBrainProj research; slides: https://t.co/xCDitaxS71 pic.twitter.com/wvbEHBYQHq — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) January 18, 2019

Morris Riedel Journals 0


Academic Journals ISI Journals with a High Impact Factor ISI journals are those international scientific journals documented in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) databases under the auspices of Thomson Reuters. Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), Impact Factor: 5.154 (2019-07-27) [ JOURNAL ] IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Impact Factor: 3.971 (2018-12-30) [ JOURNAL ] Springer Journal of Grid Computing, Impact Factor: 2.800 (2018-12-30) [ JOURNAL ] IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), Impact Factor: 2.777 (2018-12-30) [ JOURNAL ] Other ISI Journals & SCOPUS Journals Scopus is the largest abstract...

Fog Detection Using Deep Learning 0

Fog Detection using Deep Learning

Fog Detection using Deep Learning See also Research activities driven by Ernir Erlingsson: http://www.ernire.org 2018-12-03 Workshop @ Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany Welcome Address – Juelich Supercomputing Centre (Morris Riedel) Slides PDF (10,2 MB) KNMI Data Lab (Jan Willem Noteboom) Slides PDF (7,3 MB) Fog Detection from Camera Images Experiences at KNMI (Andrea Pagani) Slides PDF (5,8 MB) DEEP-EST EU Project & JSC (Ernir Erlingsson) Slides PDF (9,5 MB) Research Results: To be published shortly Research Results to be published shortly #DeepLearning Practice & Experience: Deep Learning & Fog Detection – Research of PhD student E. Erlingsson @ernire, J. W. Noteboom...

2018-11-14 Parallel and Scalable Machine and Deep Learning at JSC Morris Riedel 0

Parallel and Scalable Machine and Deep Learning at JSC

Parallel and Scalable Machine and Deep Learning at JSC NCSA Affiliates Meeting International Supercomputing Conference 2018, Dallas, Texas, USA 2018-11-14 [ Slides ~4.76 MB (pdf) ] Thanks for discussions at the #SC18 NCSA @NCSAatIllinois affiliates meeting & invitation to talk about @DEEPprojects & ML/DL at JSC @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich & our international lab idea with University of Iceland @uni_iceland @uisens @Haskoli_Islands – slides: https://t.co/xCDitaxS71 pic.twitter.com/hAykWjDT1P — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) November 17, 2018

Cloud-Computing-and-Big-Data-Fall-2018 0

Cloud Computing and Big Data – Course Fall 2018

Cloud Computing and Big Data – Course Fall 2018 Parallel & Scalable Machine Learning & Deep Learning 16 university lectures with additional practical lectures for hands-on exercises in context University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science Fall 2018 Lecture 0 – Prologue Slides PDF (9,59 MB) Starting teaching period with Lecture 0 – Prologue of Cloud Computing & Big Data – Parallel & Scalable Machine Learning & Deep Learning Course of @Haskoli_Islands @uni_iceland today mentioning also Modular Supercomputing driven by @DEEPprojects @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich @helmholtz_de pic.twitter.com/52bmhnZNhs — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel)...

Big Data and AI FZJ JSC Visit Dr Edmund Heller Morris Riedel 0

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence at FZJ and JSC

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence at FZJ and JSC Welcome Address Visit of Dr. Edmund Heller, State Secretary of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany 2018-08-09 [ Web Page Dr. Edmund Heller ] [ Slides ~3.97 MB (pdf) ] NRW State Secretary @MAGS_NRW Dr. Heller at Forschungszentrum Juelich @fz_juelich @helmholtz_de & Prof. Eickhoff @INM7_ISN discussing Big Data, Artificial Intelligence & Modular Supercomputing driven by @DEEPprojects @Haskoli_Islands @fzj_jsc – slides at https://t.co/xCDitaxS71 pic.twitter.com/BCioC6IGrn — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) August 10, 2018

Supercomputing and Big Data Parallel Machine Learning Tutorial Morris Riedel 0

Supercomputing and Big Data Tutorial

Supercomputing and Big Data Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning Algorithms NextGen @ Helmholtz Conference 2018 GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany 2018-07-26 [ Event ] Abstract The fast training of traditional machine learning models and more innovative deep learning networks from increasingly growing large quantities of scientific and engineering datasets (aka ‘Big Data‘) requires high performance computing (HPC) on modern supercomputers today. HPC technologies such as those developed within the European DEEP-EST project provide innovative approaches w.r.t. processing, memory, and modular supercomputing usage during training, testing, and validation processes. This workshop thus focus on parallel and scalable...

Supercomputing Impact In Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Morris Riedel 0

Supercomputing Impact in Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

Supercomputing Impact in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Invited Keynote NextGen @ Helmholtz Conference 2018 GFZ Potsdam, Germany 2018-07-25 [ Event ] [ Slides ~9.8 MB (pdf) ] Thanks to @HelmholtzJrs for an invited keynote on 'Supercomputing Impact in Big Data & AI' including modular supercomputing driven by @DEEPprojects @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich & @Haskoli_Islands alongside @helmholtz_de president Prof. Otmar Wiestler at @GFZ_Potsdam #NextGenHelmholtz pic.twitter.com/0yUUS31z5e — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) July 25, 2018