2018-03-06-Parallel-and-Scalable-Machine-Learning-Tutorial-Content 0

DEEP-EST Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning

DEEP-EST Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning Tutorial under the umbrella of the DEEP-EST EU Project Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany 2018-03-06 – 2018-03-08 [ Event ] Abstract: The course offers basics of analyzing data with machine learning and data mining algorithms in order to understand foundations of learning from large quantities of data. This course is especially oriented towards beginners that have no previous knowledge of machine learning techniques. The course consists of general methods for data analysis in order to understand clustering, classification, and regression. This includes a thorough discussion of test datasets, training datasets, and validation datasets required...

2018 Tutorial Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning 0

Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning

Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning Invited Tutorial PRACE Advanced Training Center, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany 2018-01-15 – 2018-01-17 [ EVENT ] Abstract: The course offers basics of analyzing data with machine learning and data mining algorithms in order to understand foundations of learning from large quantities of data. This course is especially oriented towards beginners that have no previous knowledge of machine learning techniques. The course consists of general methods for data analysis in order to understand clustering, classification, and regression. This includes a thorough discussion of test datasets, training datasets, and validation datasets required to learn from data...

Markus Goetz 0

Markus Goetz

Dr. Markus Goetz [Completed] Scalable Data Analysis in High Performance Computing Mohammad Shahbaz Memon, Doctoral Thesis University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (SENS), Iceland, 2017 [ OPINVISINDI ] [ PHD THESIS ~13.57 MB (PDF) ] [ DEFENCE PHOTOS ] Lectures (given by M. Goetz since Ph.D. Studies Start 2014-04-01) Plenary Lecture or Keynote Address at an International Academic Conference none Public Guest Lecture at a University outside of Iceland none Lecture at an International Conference Facilitating Collaboration in High-Performance Computing Projects with an Interaction Room, presentation in conference proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on...

HPC-Fall-2017 0

HPC – Course Fall 2017

High Performance Computing 18 university lectures with additional practical lectures for hands-on exercises in context University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science Fall 2017 Lecture 0 – Prologue Slides PDF (5,38 MB) Lecture 1 – High Performance Computing Slides PDF (3,96 MB) Lecture 2 – Parallelization Fundamentals Slides PDF (5,93 MB) Lecture 3 – Parallel Programming with MPI Slides PDF (1,83 MB) Lecture 4 – Advanced MPI Techniques Slides PDF (3,33 MB) Lecture 5 – Parallel Algorithms & Data Structures Slides PDF (3,78 MB) Lecture 6 – Parallel Programming...

Morris Riedel Markov Chain 0

Markov Chain

Markov Chain Interesting Links (pdf) http://people.math.aau.dk/~jm/courses/PhD06StocSim/Chapters2.4.5.pdf Nice introduction to Markov Chains with good examples like ‘a man walks in a small town’ changing randomly at corners his direction and many other good examples like ‘weather in different cities’ and good mathematical descriptions.

Morris Riedel Deep Learning 0

Deep Learning

Deep Learning Deep Learning Research Fog Detection using Deep Learning Research activities of PhD Student Ernir Erlingsson under the umbrella of the DEEP-EST EU Project. Interesting Deep Learning Links http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/EN/AboutUs/Organisation/FederatedSystemsandData/CrossSectionalTeamDeepLearning/_node.html Page of the cross-sectional team deep learning of the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany. https://deeplearning4j.org/neuralnet-overview Interesting introduction to Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning) including use cases and choosing related networks. Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) Regularization Links https://machinelearningmastery.com/use-weight-regularization-lstm-networks-time-series-forecasting/ Interesting short tutorial on how to use regularization with LSTM models that often overfit training data lowering predictive performance. It covers a Shampoo Sales dataset example, experimental test harness, bias weight and input...

Morris Riedel Big Data 0

Big Data

Big Data Interesting Links http://www.big-data-network.eu Center of Excellences drive the development and evolution of all aspects of Big Data. https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/big-data-analytics-ig.html Big Data Interest Group (IG) of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) with interesting topics around big data and its processing. http://www.big-data.tips Selected short but informative articles about big data and machine learning topics. http://www.bdva.eu Big Data Values Association (BDVA) that is the private counterpart to the EU Commission to implement the BDV PPP programme (Big Data Value Private-Public Partnership).

object detection 0

Automatic Object Detection using DBSCAN for Counting Intoxicated Flies in the FLORIDA Assay

Automatic Object Detection using DBSCAN for Counting Intoxicated Flies in the FLORIDA Assay Christian Bodenstein, Markus Goetz, Annika Jansen, Henrike Scholz, Morris Riedel In conference proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, IEEE ICMLA’16, Anaheim, USA, 18 Dec 2016 – 20 Dec 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-6167-9, pp. 746 – 751, 2017 [ EVENT ] [ DOI ] [ JUSER ] [ RESEARCHGATE ] Abstract: In this paper, we propose an instrumentation and computer vision pipeline that allows automatic object detection on images taken from multiple experimental set ups. We demonstrate the approach by autonomously counting intoxicated...

Automatic Object Detection using DBSCAN for Counting Intoxicated Flies in the FLORIDA Assay ICMLA 2016 Poster 0

Automatic Object Detection using DBSCAN for Counting Intoxicated Flies in the FLORIDA Assay

Poster – Automatic Object Detection using DBSCAN for Counting Intoxicated Flies in the FLORIDA Assay Bodenstein, C., Goetz, M., Jansen, A., Scholz, H., Riedel, M., Automatic Object Detection using DBSCAN for Counting Intoxicated Flies in the FLORIDA Assay, the 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2016), December 18 – 20, 2016, Anaheim, USA [ EVENT ] [ JUSER ] [ PDF (~ 4,67 MB) ]

Automated Soccer Scene Tracking Using Deep Neural Networks IAS Symposium 2016 Poster 0

Automated Soccer Scene Tracking Using Deep Neural Networks

Poster – Automated Soccer Scene Tracking Using Deep Neural Networks Bodenstein, C., Goetz, M., Riedel, M., Automated Soccer Scene Tracking Using Deep Neural Networks, the Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS) – Symposium, December 5 – 6, 2016, Juelich, Germany [ EVENT ] [ JUSER ] [ PDF (~ 3,48 MB) ]