Supercomputing and Big Data Parallel Machine Learning Tutorial Morris Riedel

Supercomputing and Big Data Tutorial

Supercomputing and Big Data Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning Algorithms NextGen @ Helmholtz Conference 2018 GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany 2018-07-26 [ Event ] Abstract The fast training of traditional machine learning models and more innovative deep learning networks from increasingly growing large quantities of scientific and engineering datasets (aka ‘Big Data‘) requires high performance computing (HPC) on modern supercomputers today. HPC technologies such as those developed within the European DEEP-EST project provide innovative approaches w.r.t. processing, memory, and modular supercomputing usage during training, testing, and validation processes. This workshop thus focus on parallel and scalable...

Supercomputing Impact In Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Morris Riedel

Supercomputing Impact in Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

Supercomputing Impact in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Invited Keynote NextGen @ Helmholtz Conference 2018 GFZ Potsdam, Germany 2018-07-25 [ Event ] [ Slides ~9.8 MB (pdf) ] Thanks to @HelmholtzJrs for an invited keynote on 'Supercomputing Impact in Big Data & AI' including modular supercomputing driven by @DEEPprojects @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich & @Haskoli_Islands alongside @helmholtz_de president Prof. Otmar Wiestler at @GFZ_Potsdam #NextGenHelmholtz — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) July 25, 2018

Parallel Machine Learning and Deep Learning Driven by HPC Morris Riedel

Parallel Machine Learning and Deep Learning Driven by HPC

Parallel Machine Learning and Deep Learning Driven by HPC Invited Talk 4th International Summer School for Big Data and Machine Learning Organized by Competence Center for Scalable Data Services and Solutions (SCADS) and Berlin Big Data Center (BBBC) University of Leipzig, Germany 2018-07-03 [ Event ] [ Slides ~18.8 MB (pdf) ] Invited talk at the 4th Int. Summer School for Big Data & Machine Learning organized by @Sca_DS & @BerlinBDC about parallel machine learning & deep learning driven by hpc & modular supercomputing by @DEEPprojects, @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich & @Haskoli_Islands – — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) July 4, 2018

Modular Supercomputing Design supporting Machine Learning Applications

Modular Supercomputing Design supporting Machine Learning Applications

Modular Supercomputing Design supporting Machine Learning Applications IEEE MIPRO Conference 2018 Opatija, Croatia 2018-05-24 [ Event ] [ Slides ~6.12 MB (pdf) ] Thanks to colleagues at the IEEE MIPRO Conference in Opatija/Croatia for great feedback of our paper talk with discussions on how modular supercomputing driven by @DEEPprojects & @fzj_jsc & @Haskoli_Islands can be used with ECG data & LSTM deep learning – — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) May 26, 2018 Travelling to IEEE MIPRO Conference in Opatija/Croatia for a paper presentation on how modular supercomputing driven by @fzj_jsc & @DEEPprojects is ideal for machine learning & deep...

SIMDAS Industry Relations Examples From Juelich

SIMDAS & Industry Relations – Examples from Juelich

SIMDAS & Industry Relations – Examples from Juelich Invited Talk Simulation and Data Science Center of Excellence (SIMDAS) The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus 2018-05-03 [ Event ] [ Slides ~9.18 MB (pdf) ] The talk today on behalf of @fz_juelich to ministery of labour&energy from Cyprus @CyprusInstitute links @EU_Commission plans for target areas of research in supercomputing & artificial intelligence supporting modular supercomputing by @DEEPprojects & @fzj_jsc & @Haskoli_Islands — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) May 3, 2018 Looking forward to an interesting industrial relations talk on behalf of @fz_juelich alongside the ministery of labour and ministery of energy from Cyprus...

Deep Learning with Python

Deep Learning with Python

Deep Learning with Python Invited Talk Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing (JLESC) 8th Workshop Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Barcelona, Spain 2018-04-19 [ Event ] [ Slides ~6.53 MB (pdf) ] Highly interesting machine & deep learning session at @BSC_CNS as part of the Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing (JLECS) workshop with many participants & colleagues discussing modular supercomputing&deep learning driven by @DEEPprojects, @fzj_jsc, and @Haskoli_Islands — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) April 19, 2018 Travelling to @BSC_CNS for an interesting session about parallel & scalable machine & deep learning as part of the Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing (JLECS) looking forward to...

deep learning exascale deep-est

Enhancing Deep Learning towards Exascale with the DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputer Architecture

Poster – Enhancing Deep Learning towards Exascale with the DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputer Architecture Erlingsson, E., Cavallaro, G., Riedel, M., Neukirchen, H., Enhancing Deep Learning towards Exascale with the DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputer Architecture, The Exascale Applications and Software Conference, April 17 – 19, 2018, Edinbourgh, United Kingdom [ EVENT ] [ PDF (~ 1,83 MB) ] Social Media Today I'll be presenting how we'll use the @DEEPprojects modular supercomputing architecture to enhance deep learning #EASC18 @MorrisRiedel — Ernir Erlingsson (@ernire) April 17, 2018

Selected Comparisons Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Selected Comparisons between Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Earth Science Applications

Selected Comparisons between Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Earth Science Applications Invited Talk International Conference on: Terrestrial Systems Research: Monitoring, Prediction & High Performance Computing University of Bonn, Germany 2018-04-05 [ Event ] [ Slides ~6.99 MB (pdf) ] Invited talk at the University of Bonn @UniBonn about comparisons between machine learning & deep learning in earth sciences driven by @DEEPprojects & @fzj_jsc as part of the Terrestrial Systems Research Conference co-organized by @fz_juelich & @HPSCTerrSys with good discussions! — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) April 6, 2018

Using Array Databases for Machine Learning

On Using Array Databases for Machine Learning and Earth Science

On Using Array Databases for Machine Learning and Earth Science Research Data Alliance Working Group Array Database Assessment – Adoption Plans Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting, Berlin, Germany 2018-03-23 [ Event ] [ Slides ~2.97 MB (pdf) ] Finished final day of the @resdatall RDA Plenary meeting co-organized by @RDA_Europe, @helmholtz_de & @helmholtz_os with a talk on using innovative array databases with machine learning driven by @DEEPprojects & @fzj_jsc in WG Array DB Assessment – spin-off of the IG Big Data — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) March 24, 2018

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning

Deep Learning vs. Traditional Learning in Remote Sensing

Deep Learning vs. Traditional Learning in Remote Sensing Research Data Alliance Interest Group GeoSpatial Update Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting, Berlin, Germany 2018-03-22 [ Event ] [ Slides ~3.04 MB (pdf) ] Finished Day Two of the @resdatall RDA Plenary meeting co-organized by @RDA_Europe, @helmholtz_de & @helmholtz_os with a talk on Deep Learning vs. Traditional Learning driven by @DEEPprojects & @fzj_jsc in the IG GeoSpatial session & meeting colleagues @CyprusInstitute @zih_tud — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) March 23, 2018